Keiko Tange  Paper Sculpture World
ペーパークラフト作家 丹下敬子

Keiko Tange  Paper Sculpture World
ペーパークラフト作家 丹下 敬子

│ ≫日本語 │ ≫English │
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ようこそ、私のウェブサイトに来てくださり ありがとうございます。

1999年と2000年、アメリカ・ニューヨークで行われた3dimensional illustrators賞で2年連続銅賞を獲得。それからは自分の作品に自信が持てるようになりました。

丹下 敬子 
Welcome and thank you for visiting my site.

Hi, I am Keiko Tange. I live in Nagoya Japan.
About 2 decades ago, I happened to watch a TV program about paper sculpture.It was eye opening to me that there is such a thing as “3D paper sculpture” exists.I was both shocked and I was attracted to this world at the same time.
Immediately, I though this is something I can do... so I started learning paper sculpture through self-study.And soon after I became a paper sculpture designer.
After years of studying, I received the bronze award at the 3 dimensional illustrators award in NY,(USA)in 1999 and 2000 which made me more confident in my work.
In 2010, my heart desire came true.I was able to publish my book “Handmade sweets box”.
I love using my creativity and expressing my world in my work.I will keep shining and following my dream.I hope you enjoy viewing my paper works!

Thank you, Keiko.   


1999年と2000年、アメリカ・ニューヨークで行われた3dimensional illustrators賞で2年連続銅賞を獲得。それからは自分の作品に自信が持てるようになりました。
丹下 敬子 
Welcome and thank you
for  visiting my site.

Hi, I am Keiko Tange. I live in Nagoya Japan.
About 2 decades ago, I happened to watch a TV program about paper sculpture. It was eye opening to me that there is such a thing as “3D paper sculpture” exists. I was both shocked and I was attracted to this world at the same time.
Immediately, I though this is something I can do... so I started learning paper sculpture through self-study.And soon after I became a paper sculpture designer.
After years of studying, I received the bronze award at the 3 dimensional illustrators award in NY,(USA)in 1999 and 2000 which made me more confident in my work.
In 2010, my heart desire came true.I was able to publish my book “Handmade sweets box”.
I love using my creativity and expressing my world in my work. I will keep shining and following my dream.I hope you enjoy viewing my paper works!

Thank you, Keiko.

